The importance of preventative health check for your furry family member Have you noticed how time seems to fly faster and faster each year, and before you know it, those regular reminders for annual check-ups are hitting your inbox and message feeds thick and fast...
The Vintage Advantage. Looking after Senior Pets 29 again? 40 is the new 30? Not old just vintage? Humans are renown for denying their age, but did you know that dogs and cats age around seven times faster than humans? Unfortunately for pets, the undeniable label of...
Cue the distraction toy – it’s time to talk desexing Is your sweet and innocent new fur baby around? You might want to face them away from the screen – we are about to discuss a bit of a sensitive topic for them, but we do have some good news too! Coast clear?...
12 fur-friendly Christmas tips! The end of 2020 is finally approaching and that means… (cue the Carols) – Christmas is coming! For most of us, just as the song says, it’s the most wonderful time of the year, and cannot come soon enough. It’s finally time to wrap...
I like warm hugs – but don’t let your pets melt this summer! No one wanted to tell Olaf that Summer may not be so dreamy when you’re a snowman, and as warmer days come our way, it might be time we think about how our 4-legged companions can thrive despite the...
Helpful Halloween Tips: How to not scare the begeezus out of your Pets! While our pets may be getting used to the sight of humans wearing masks, visits from ghouls, witches and mummies takes it to a whole new level! Spooky Halloween visitors might be a little...