Choosing the right pet is serious business. Prior to getting their first pet, many consider pet ownership to be a walk in the park, but there are actually many things you need to consider to match the right pet to you!


It is not simply about choosing a species of animal; breeds within species bring markedly different personalities to your home. It’s important to consider your own personality as well as that of your potential pet to determine what will be the right fit.
For instance, if you’re getting a dog, breeds such as the dachshund and the Jack Russell are notorious for being loud, energetic, and sometimes aggressive. Although they can be highly playful and adorable, potential owners need to be aware that these breeds might rub some people the wrong way – and will require a degree of patience from potential owners.
On the other hand, if you’re after a more placid and hands-off pet, a breed of cat like the Persian might be right up your alley. Persians are undemanding, quiet and tolerant of strangers – well suited to apartment life.


The personality of the pet must fit the lifestyle of the owner. If you don’t have as much time to play with your pet or exercise it, it’s probably best to avoid energetic breeds, or to even consider a fairly small pet – perhaps some mice or a guinea pig! This is necessary if you are often out of the house, at work, or keep a very ‘back-and-forth’ schedule.
Ask yourself how often you’ll be able to walk or groom your pet? Pets are dependants, having mental, emotional and physical needs. It’s not uncommon for pets to experience separation anxiety, so you’ll need to choose a low-maintenance pet with a placid demeanour if you keep a busy lifestyle.
Know in advance whether you have any allergies to particular animals or breeds. Those who experience hay fever, for instance, may have their condition worsened by pets that shed a lot and hence contribute to airborne pollutants. Some people are allergic to Labradors while being completely fine with a poodle. Spend time up close and personal with potential breeds before you settle. There would be nothing worse than having to give away a pet you love just because your skin won’t stop itching!
While NSW law doesn’t explicitly disallow pets from being kept in rental homes, it is common for landlords to include clauses that restrict certain pets. Regardless of whether a pet is allowed, you need to consider the implications for other responsibilities you have as a tenant. Pets can be noisy, messy, and potentially create damage – all of which might breach non-pet related clauses in your tenancy agreement or obligations under tenancy law. You need to be especially careful if your pet is going to be living in a rented home.

Keep Your New Pet Healthy with VetMed

The team here at VetMed are animal enthusiasts as well as animal health specialists. For enquiries regarding your pet’s health, for more information, or to book an appointment – contact us today!