At VetMed, we seek to combine the best of specialised and holistic treatments for your pet. We have an experienced team that is well experienced in a broad array of surgical procedures, and who consult with other relevant specialists to provide the best overall treatment for your pet.
Surgery for pets is fairly common, from early age desexing to acquired injuries in later life. Here are a few of the most common surgeries that we address here at VetMed.


H2: Keyhole Surgery  

Laparoscopic (‘keyhole’) surgery involves two or three minor incisions (less than 1cm long) that allow a camera and instruments to enter the body – far less invasive and damaging than traditional, larger surgeries.
Keyhole surgery is used to perform spays on female animals and on male pets with testicles that haven’t descended.
Keyhole surgery is also used for performing organ biopsies (taking a sample of tissue for further examination, to find out whether there is an illness) and is very useful in treating bladder disease. VetMed also uses keyhole surgery in large dogs to prevent gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) and stomach twisting.
Like all types of surgery, keyhole surgery still has risks. There are risks of complications from anaesthesia, and there is also the possibility that they may have to transition to traditional surgery when the vet decides it would yield a better outcome.
That said, the risks are no greater than traditional surgery, and there are many added benefits:

  • Fewer potential complications due to smaller incisions
  • Magnification allows for a more accurate assessment during operation
  • There is less pain for your animal
  • Faster recovery times – animals usually back to normal activity the next day following routine procedure.


Dental Surgery

Dogs and cats are susceptible to many oral health problems, some of which may require surgery. Dental surgery can be quite painful for pets, but all measures and precautions are taken to minimise this pain. The risks involved will depend on the type of surgery being undertaken; however, in our experienced hands, most dental surgeries result in few ongoing major problems or risks.
At VetMed, we commonly perform dental surgeries such as:

  • Tooth extractions
  • Tooth filings
  • Oral tumour removal
  • Jaw fracture management
  • Palate defects
  • Oronasal fistulae (an opening or communication between the oral cavity and the caudal respiratory tract).


Orthopaedic Surgery

There are varying degrees of severity in orthopaedic surgery. The team at VetMed have a team of surgeons experienced in congenital and acquired bone, joint and spinal injuries.
Some examples of the kinds of conditions we treat are:

  • Joint fractures in the shoulder, elbow, and knee
  • Dislocated kneecaps
  • Cranial cruciate ligament ruptures
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sprains, strains and soft tissue trauma

Surgery always entails risks of complications arising from anaesthesia. However, after surgery, your pet is likely to make a strong recovery. For serious injuries, such as ruptured ligaments, pets are unlikely to return to the 100% ability they had before injury, and precautions will always need to be taken to minimise chances of re-injury – not engaging in high-impact exercise, particularly for habitually active dog breeds, for example.

Trust the Team at VetMed

The team at VetMed combine the best in specialised and patient-specific care, with a holistic approach that takes into account other concerns of the pet owner. To make an inquiry or book a consultation, contact us today!